These shopping trips are part of my $12 Challenge (see here).
at Shaw’s on 2/8
6 Welch’s Ocean Spray juice, 64 oz, reg $3.49, BOGO sale
Used (3) B1G1 Free Ocean Spray coupons
Value before sales discounts and coupons was $20.94
After discount and coupons I paid ZERO
I don’t count bottle deposit because I get that back
at Shaw’s on 2/8
4 boxes Wholly Guacamole, reg $3.99, reduced to $1.50 each
Used (2) $1.50/1 Wholly product (NLA)
Used (2) $1/1 Wholly product (not sure if available)
Value before sales discounts and coupons was $15.96
After discount and coupons I paid $1.00
I found a penny on the ground, so only $.99 after penny
at Hannaford on 2/9
2 bags pizza cheese, 4 oz, from deli dept, $.99 each
1 package sandwich meat from meat dept, $.99
1 shaker of parmesan cheese, $1.49
1 can dog food, $.65
Used (1) $2 off Hannaford Deli coupons
Used (1) $1 off Hannaford Meat coupon
Used (1) $1 off Hannaford coupon from coupon book (NLA)
Used (1) $1 off My Essential coupon from coupon book (NLA)
Value before tax was $5.11
After coupons I paid $.15 including tax
Here’s where I stand with my $12 Challenge after these transactions:
Total value of purchases so far before tax is $588.84
Total OOP so far including tax is $6.65
I started with $12.00
I still have $5.35 cash plus $3.00 ExtraBucks for CVS, so I have $8.35 total left to spend!
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It would really be nice to save like you do. However, there is so much of the processed foods we cannot eat, and a lot of the coupons are for, you guessed it! processed food. Grrr. I wish there were coupons for minimally processed meats, and for veggies, and the healthy things.
Just a little frustrating.