Here are four spanking new juice coupons for ya!
You want to know how I stretch juice to save money? I cut it with water! I find that 1/2 juice and 1/2 water is plenty juicy enough. And not only does that save money, but it cuts back sugar and calories too! Another thing I do with juice is add just a wee little bit to my water or seltzer to give just a hint of flavor.
You can also freeze juice in ice cube trays then pop them out into a bag and use as needed. Use the cubes to flavor your water or add to smoothies! You can also let a couple of cubes melt and use instead of water or milk in recipes (muffins, cookies, pancakes, etc.). Measure how much liquid one of your cube compartment holds then you’ll know how many cubes you need to thaw for baking!
$1.00 off 2 Healthy Balance reduced-sugar juice
$1.00 off 2 Old Orchard Cranberry Naturals
$1.00 off Very Cherre™ tart cherry juice
$1.00 off (4) Old Orchard frozen juice concentrate
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You can use juice frozen in ice cubes trays for use in punch. I have even used juice to marinate meat in; delicious.