I just spotted a shopping trip on another blog and she said Bisquick Shake & Pour is $2.00. I don’t see it in the flyer so I don’t know if that is a sale price or if it’s the regular price. If it’s something you really want, it would be a good idea to get there by Thursday!
Here’s the deal at Shaw’s:
Activate this SavingStar eCoupon for Bisquick
Buy (1) Bisquick Shake & Pour at $2.00
Use (1) $.60/1 Bisquick printable coupon
coupon will double to $1.20 off
Pay $.80 at the register
Remember to scan your Shaw’s card
Get $.50 refund in your SavingStar account
Final price is only $.30 for Bisquick Shake & Pour!
There is also a $.50/1 Bisquick coupon HERE. But remember, you only get the SavingStar refund one time.
If you are not a SavingStar member, you will pay $.80 or $1.00 depending on which coupons you use. Still an excellent price!
Thanks for the heads up The Thieving Bear!
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This item has partially hydrogenated oils, so I won’y be buying it. If you have a cholesterol problem, steer clear of this product. I will stick with the Heart Smart. Iwonder if that one is more expensive because it’s healthier and has LESS ingredients in it.