The Jell-O Halloween Brain Mold offer is back! It’s free, but you pay $2.95 for shipping (I don’t consider that free… lol).
Even with the shipping, this is a good price. and who doesn’t want Jell-O in the shape of a brain?
Jell-O Halloween Brain Mold – if you don’t see it, try zip 23235, click Local Coupons to change your zip code, then come back to use my link.
This comes via snail mail… no need to head to the store!
Thanks for the heads up Passion for Savings!
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I got this brain mold last year. Worth it! I made a green Charlotte Russe (creamy kind of jello mold) for our family reunion this year. I stuck gummy worms in it so that about 2/3 of the tops were sticking out, and put it on the table with all of the beautiful desserts. Big hit and lots of laughs, and it wasn’t even Halloween.