I love this coupon! You can often find small tubs of Reser’s Deli Salad in reduced deli at Shaw’s with nice stickie coupons on them. You can stack this coupon with the stickie to score some really cheap salad after the coupon doubles! I love their potato salad… yum!
$.55/1 Reser’s Deli Salad Printable Coupon – will double, 2 prints
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So… for the reduced sections… in Dover, I found the reduced fruit/veg cart… i found the reduced bread…/ other misc. things. and have found the reduced dairy.. (there’s hardly ever anything there.. maybe 3 items) but wheres the reduced deli located…? i guess i haven’t found that.
Ask someone in deli if they have an actual section. Some stores just mark stuff down and you have to walk around and look for them, like we do with meat.
Are you allowed to use a stickie with a printable or paper coupon? i tried to do that with something my last trip to shaws and they said i was only allowed one and i had to choose. if you are allowed then what do i say to make them believe me?
If the stickie coupon is a store coupon, then YES! You can use a manufacturer coupon with it! Just print out the policy and show them. It says it about half way down under general… http://ems02013.egain.net/system/selfservice.controller?CONFIGURATION=1003&PARTITION_ID=1&TIMEZONE_OFFSET=&CMD=VIEW_ARTICLE&ARTICLE_ID=2876&SIDE_LINK_TOPIC_ID=&SIDE_LINK_SUB_TOPIC_ID=&EXPANDED_TOPIC_TREE_NODES=&TOPIC_ID=