I know I have lots of newbies who jumped on board recently (welcome!!!). I want to let you know that you can search for coupons in my coupon database! Searching for coupons is a good way to find coupons to go with sales that you see in the flyer or to search for brands that you love the most.
To find the Coupon Database, hover over Coupons in my blog header then you will see Coupon Database in the drop down menu. There are over 5,000 coupons in this database!
The database contains printable coupons, insert coupons, magazine coupons, some facebook coupons, and even tear pad alerts. You will sometimes get links to coupons that are no longer available because the database is not updated immediately (I pay for this service, I’m not the one updating it).
When you search, the database will give you links to print from or it let you know which inserts the coupons are in, like you see in the example above. Very handy! The links will not always be direct links. If you have a hard time finding a certain coupon, let me know and I’ll see if I can find it for you.
In my example above, I searched for simply homemade bread and I found coupons to go with this Shaw’s sale. Only the first 2 coupons are still available (the RedPlum and the first facebook link). Just the same, it allowed me to find coupons for the bread mix!
Search my Coupon Database
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How do I get there?
Use the link in the post that says Search my Coupon Database 🙂
I had no idea about this. Thank you!