In case you don’t know, May 11 is the day that the U.S. Postal Office and the National Association of Letter Carriers is conducting the nation’s largest single-day Stamp Out Hunger food drive!
If you leave non-perishable items by your mailbox, your letter carrier will pick it up and donate it to a local food pantry. It’s so easy!
I have several boxes and bags ready to go on my porch. I know it says to leave a bag, but they have always picked up all that I put out. So, if you have lots to donate, go right ahead! They will bring their vehicle around to pick it up 🙂
You can read more about the May 11 food drive here
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Thanks, Darlene, for the info. I was just wondering today when the food drive would be! I just got my bag together with the extra mayo, etc. which I bought in order to get some deals. Hopefully all of your blog followers can do the same. 🙂