Check out my favorite picks
on my Amazon page!
Wow! Run on over to Amazon and grab some Mickey Mouse style watches for only $2.99 each with FREE shipping! You can choose from 9 colors: black, green, light blue, orange, red, white, yellow, deep blue and pink.
You might want to grab this Spiderman watch too for only $2.15 with FREE shipping!
Prices can change at any time on Amazon, so hurry!
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Why is it that I see many of the deals you post show up on other blogs and you NEVER credit your source……???
Hi Bill, if you look through my over 10,000 posts on this blog, you will see that I always give credit when it’s due. Thing is, I sometimes find things on my own or if I repeat a post I will give credit the first time around. To say I never credit my source is just not true.