Hey everyone! I’m bringing a new weekly feature to the blog. Each week I will be posting my shopping list so you can see what I’m stocking up on. If you need the same items, you can stock up too!
Please note that I’ll be doing lots of stocking up just by shopping sales with no coupons. So if you’d like to save money on groceries without clipping coupons, be sure you come back every week to see what I’m getting. Better yet, just don’t leave! lol
At Shaw’s 9/25 – 10/1 (see flyer)
My List
Onions and Carrots $1.88 for 3 lbs (3 Day Sale, see here) – I need onions wicked bad. It’s just one more of those things that my mother goes through quick. I’m not very good at getting out there for the 3 day sales, but I’m going to try hard to get there this weekend. And I might as well grab some carrots too.
That’s it for me. There are a few other things below you might want to add to your stockpile if you are low.
Other Stockpile Sales
Essential Everyday Canned Veggies BOGO at $1.00 (see here) – The EE veggies are usually price at a buck, so you can grab them for $.50 per can with the bogo sale! Stock up!!! Feel free to buy up to a year’s worth at this price. Remember to check the best by dates if that’s something that concerns you. I totally ignore best by dates for canned goods.
SuperChill 2 Liters Soda or Seltzer BOGO at $1.00 (see here) – This soda should be priced at or just around a buck, so only $.50 with the bogo sale. Another great stock up price!
Orville Popcorn and Dr. Pepper Deal (see here) – You can pick up (2) Orville microwave popcorn and (2) Dr. Pepper 2 Liters for only $2.99 with their B1 Popcorn G1 Popcorn G2 Soda FREE sale! If you want to save even more, you can pay just $1.99 for all 4 items using coupons! (see the coupon deal here)
Those are my picks! If you see something else that you feel is a good sale price, go ahead and stock up. Once your stockpile is built, you will have the luxury of shopping only for items that are free of very cheap later!
I will have the Shaw’s Coupon Roundup posted on Thursday evening!
Remember to eat from your stockpile. That’s why you built it!
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I am confused on the date for these sales. You have 09-25-15 thru 09-10-1 . is this your list starting Friday the 25th, tomorrow?
Sorry for the boo boo. It’s 9/25 – 10/1